An open letter to the N.A.W.A.L.T.

An open letter to the N.A.W.A.L.T. Not All Women Are Like That/ This is a an absolute fact/ Few acknowledge you/ Or the selfless things you do/ Even less acknowledge your very existence/
Once Upon A Time There Were 2 Lovers…

#OnceUponATime there were 2 lovers who were ordained to teach each other love’s true nature as well as the nature of people… One lover was a man who saw himself as invincible, the other was a woman who saw herself as broken… She hid her brokenness behind a mask of ego and lust. Keeping her […]
Battle of the Planets #poetry

Looks like I am in a different space these days/ To best describe this inner space I’ll use outer space as a metaphor/ I dance with the planets in spirit form and verse in manifesto/ If you were empathic enough to see/ the universe inside of me/ You would see planets spinning around the Sun/ […]
I Know… #Poetry of a personal nature…

I know why you say “That conversation would never happen” I know why a woman who has no desire to make peace with me wants to have casual “dialogue” at work. I know why you were and still are hell bent on keeping our history a secret. I know exactly why you had a sudden […]
“She Fascinates Me” #poetry #remix

She fascinates me/She fascinates me with her relentless exploration/She is hungry for the flavors of passion/ If joy had a taste it would taste like her/ And after me being starved of love for quite some time/ I would experience a manifesto that was quite sublime/ She tastes life with me just before dripping wisdom […]
What Is Your Favorite Rapper Feeding You? #poetry

What is your favorite rapper feeding you? / Do you believe it’s true? / Is it soul food? Do they tell a truth that gets you in a mood? / Is he good dude? / Or a dope chick? One hell of a lyricist? Or the type to keep diamonds on top of their wrist? /
The Mystery of Black History… #Poetry

There is a certain truth that moonlight brings/ That truth is as sharp as Valyrian steel/ Sharp enough to slice through a lie/ this particular lie/ you chose to believe just to satisfy/ The basic needs of a man’s vanity/ This lie pisses me off at times, but I’ll try to get through this without […]
Do Your Selfish Ways Serve You?

If you say that it does; I must say I’m not impressed/ you always act like you could care less/ but I’m spiritually sensitive and I can feel your level of stress/ Damn Sun… you’re a mess/ You seem to be stuck on checkers/ playing with Rooks, Bishops, Queens and Kings who are ready for […]
Queen of What?

The Queen of hearts broken/ Possibly/ The Queen of humility not spoken/ Humbly/ The Queen of everything hot like steam/ The queen of broken dreams/ The Queen of a fear that makes lovers turn mean/ Incredibly/ Does a Queen cause her King anger? / Maybe/ Does a Queen turn a King who was her best […]
How can I make your ugly beautiful?

How can I make your ugly beautiful? / First I have to go to that ugly place/ put it in verse and give it perspective/ Raw dog no contraceptive/ only to give birth to a beautiful truth/ My beautiful truth to be exact/ since we are all aware of the fact/ that your truth and my […]
A Beautiful Death

A good friend of mine came to me in confidence and told me that he was sad to see me because he had a dream that I had died. He said the dream was very vivid and that the dream felt very real; also he said that he even went to my wake in the […]
Paradise Island… by #Collective member @BWALTERPoetry

A void seems to appear in your absence. When you leave you are free to coast along the breeze and during your levitation. I hope you gain awareness to be mindful of your actions. Slowly feel every subtle