The Unconvinced Grain of Sand

On a beautiful beach/ on a beautiful land/ in a beautiful part of the world/ A grain of sand was having a chat with a clam who was home to a pearl/ The clam told tales/ of huge whales/ pirate ships with skulls & crossbones on there sails/ The blackness of night/ and the power […]

Oh.. how I love a good mystery/ #poetry

A funny thing happened when I saw you/ Time had frozen in its moment/ All I notice is how good this feels/ your essence vibrates the chakras of my spine until my soul is aware of itself/ Love is as real as the nose on your face/ inhale all of my love like the wind […]

Corporate Boy Slim – A Chapter from the upcoming book: “The Art of Saying NO”

Corporate Boy Slim      After Cain had murdered his brother Abel, God asked him where his brother was. Cain answered, “I know not; am I my brother’s keeper?” Cain’s words have come to symbolize people’s unwillingness to accept responsibility for the welfare of their fellows — their “brothers” in the extended sense of the term. Much like Able, I […]


     I want to begin by thanking Mother Earth/Source for this album. It has been a great honor to create this album and could not be possible without the coalition of artists who make up Rhythm and Poetry (R&P) and the community of Sacramento. I was inspired by the incredibly talented artists that came […]

Delicious.. #poetry

Delicious.. Life is delicious is it not? Delicious like the kiss of a new lover after eating strawberries that swim in champagne/ Delicious like waffles/ syrup & coffee/ delicious like the thoughts of you that make me at ease/ Delicious like liquid legacy in penmanship/ in cursive/ in manuscript/ in calligraphy/ in graffiti/ although in […]

Dragon & the Goddess Blog: entry #118

Dragon & the Goddess Blog: entry #118 I serenade you still. My Moon who bathes me in light/ I bask in your fire/ I enjoy the dance between your hips, mind & spine/ I watch as our chakras harmonize/ like wind & rain going diagonal/ source energy hitting the clouds like electricity/ thunderous as it […]

A Hundred Bars of Tough Love

At the table I sit like I’ve done so many times before/ Sometimes to break bread/ sometimes to wage war/ What more/ can I say/ if top billing/  Was already achieved at the hand of mic killing?/ Everything that doesn’t give you that feeling/ Like you ate soul food that promotes healing/ Hurt people/ Hurt […]

Inside of This Fantasy

Inside of This Fantasy I am torn/ Like a child who’s parents just got divorced/ where the mom as well as the dad both told the child separately/ “I would love for you to live with me” That same child may have a fantasy/ that the divorce never came to be/ I am torn/ Like […]

Before I Cut the Check

      Once upon a time I was in a situation/ where I was having a great conversation/ with a goddess that had great powers of persuasion/ She also had more game than Allen Iverson/ Venus Williams, Serena Williams, Laura Robson/ Micheal Jordan in 91/ or a hand of spades about to run a […]

wisdom itself

If wisdom itself is infinite, how naive must I really be?/ Exhibit A/ my views on loyalty/ You see/ I love in the ride or die fashion/ with the riding being towards the glory and the dying happening while walking through the flames/ How can anyone be loyal to passion when passion wasn’t meant to […]

21 More Questions.

          21 More Questions..     1.What does a woman actually mean when they say “I am not going to give up any pussy for free?” 2. A spiritual master told me that there was no assertion of evil. In this universe that’s based on attraction there is no assertion. So […]


Sometimes my mind wanders/ Sometimes it goes into reflective places/ When I am in that reflective space/ I ask myself how happy I am/ I take inventory of who is/ Then I ask myself if I am simply existing and not really living/   Sometimes my mind is as blank as a sheet of paper/ […]