Crossroads. (A short story about the entertainment industry)
I believe the year was 1993. I was in the midst of a studio session with my New York crew. Men of Exquisite Talent is what we called ourselves. “M.O.E.T.” (yes.. like the champagne) The engineer of this particular session was a man named Troy Hightower. A extremely talented man. He would go on from […]
Is This the Best We Can Do?
Is this really the best we can do? Love thy neighbor is a difficult concept?/ “United we stand divided we fall” is something we don’t get?/ Open your heart is something we can’t let?/ Happen/ Is disrespect really the foundation of everyone rapping?/ Or are we sadistic & sadomasochistic rubber necking the car accident as […]
The Difference Between Understanding & Over-standing ~ #poetry #blog #spiritual #life
What the Soul is up to.. #Spirituality #OpenDiscussion #RhythmNPoetry
What is the Soul up to? Initially, this started out as a question I asked myself first, then I asked God. God replied, “What do you believe the soul is up to?” to which I replied; “I bet the soul is a mini version of you” God said nothing else after that. Knowing her the […]
Loving Her/ Loving Me/ Loving Us/
Happy Valentine’s Day..
Adversity Builds Character.
Being a mamma’s boy in a land filled with testosterone/ Being young, black and hungry treating knowledge like the meat on a chicken bone/ Not seduced by the street life/ rather telling my life to the the streets/ to the listening friends and foes/ Loving Edgar Allen Poe/ and poetry shows/ more than money/ clothes […]
Mule, Monk, Martyr & Master…
Mule (noun) the offspring of a donkey and a horse (strictly, a male donkey and a female horse), typically sterile and used as a beast of burden.. A beast of burden was my perception of myself and we all know perception is reality/ or do we?/ I certainly didn’t know then what I know now/ […]
Level Up! Guest Blog by @akronems
LEVEL UPLove Elevates Valuable Experiences Learning Unity Prosper @akronemsToday as each day is an UPGRADE Understanding Positivity Generates Respect And Dignity Everyday creating opportunities for self. We must take time to love ourselves more & be consistent believing in self even when we FAIL Further All Information Learning our faults, our failures are our experiences to […]
Romance & the Number 9
A funny thing happened on the corner of lover’s lane yesterday/ There I was, standing in the doorway of heartbreak hotel/ on my lips was a blunt filled with California green/ In my head I was saying a rhyme to pass the time/ On occasion/ a lovely female would walk up to me professing reasons/ […]
Point of Reference.. #blog
In my relentless quest for balance, I have often found myself talking about “perspective” mostly and how someone’s perspective shapes their reality. However there are many layers to all things and “Balance” is no different. I have found that considering “Point of Reference” to also be one of the many key components to […]
“THE MAN, THE MYTH AND THE LEGEND” By LaMont Anthony Wright #screenplay
“THE MAN, THE MYTH AND THE LEGEND” By LaMont Anthony Wright Sacramento CA 9190423-5548 FADE IN: QUEEN SHEBA’S ETHIOPIAN RESTAURANT It’s a clear day in Sacramento California, the front glass of the restaurant vibrates subtle as it contains the sweet talk shit of 3 old friends. Very rare do 3 friends maintain a friendship […]
Love’s True Nature & How Conditions F*C Things Up.
Love seems to move so randomly to me. As random as a wandering eye. As random as a feather skipping between gravity and a summer’s breeze. As random as a sudden lust for a stranger’s touch. As random as a thought. Love is also quick, shapeless and flexible. Love seems to be much […]