Love, Acceptance, Inclusion & the Black Response. (Part 2 of this Series)

I walk in spirit with God’s wind at my back… I think out-loud and I share those thoughts with critical thinkers. Today’s thinkers are Author Jacki Howard & Phillis Clements of Sunshine Solutions. Today we chop it up about Love, Acceptance, Inclusion & the Black Response. (Part 2 of this Series)

21 More Questions.

          21 More Questions..     1.What does a woman actually mean when they say “I am not going to give up any pussy for free?” 2. A spiritual master told me that there was no assertion of evil. In this universe that’s based on attraction there is no assertion. So […]

Highest Thought

My 1st thought was that my blackness was some sort of a curse/ My highest thought asked me if I knew my worth/ then asked me if darkness is the worse/ then how come we showed up 1st?/ loved each other/ then gave birth/ to the rest of the Earth/ My 1st thought was that […]

Racism is Green.

I walk in spirit with God’s wind at my back… I think out-loud and I share those thoughts with critical thinkers. Today’s thinker is good friend, confidant and historian Khalid Francis.

The Fear & Love Poetry Cypher (Finale Verse)

I remember how fake I was when the word “real” was popular/ Now I know better and do better exposing truth passionately/ A dragon doing his best to breath fire with his mind as a pilot light/ Inspiring those who inspire me with testimonial melodies/ The loyalty of a heartbeat giving you love to the […]

A Moment of Clarity #FreeVerse

        A Moment of Clarity #FreeVerse   So here I stand/ audience curious/ cameras rolling/ verses upon verses on the ready/ Heart injecting blood furious/ glands injecting adrenaline/ yet my hands are steady/ Butterflies now fly away freely/ and my gut easy/ No longer am I nervous although I embrace that energy/ […]

Black Love & the State of the Human Condition.

Black Love (An Honest Discussion ALL Races Need to Hear)

I walk in spirit with God’s wind at my back… I think out-loud and I share those thoughts with critical thinkers. Today’s thinker is Poet – Author – Activist – Essence Mahogany..

Oh.. You Can’t Speak? #REMIX

    Oh.. You Can’t Speak?     Suit yourself. You may not have any words for me but I’ve got plenty of words for you/ However/ no matter how clever/ I proceed with this endeavor/ I will do my best to come from a spiritual space before I do/ Numero uno/ to me life/ […]

3 The Hard Way

3 the hard way

3 sides/ 3 angles/ + 1 dimension/ circumvention of closed doors/ is my intention/ not to mention/ one unified verse with 3 inflections/ warriors angels for your protection/ 3 voices registered as deadly weapons/ Inside skin we fit comfortably/ Balancing between the 3/ mind, body and spirit/ Boom, bap and lyric/ mic, stage and speaker/ crowd, host […]