The Fear & Love Poetry Cypher (Finale Verse)

I remember how fake I was when the word “real” was popular/ Now I know better and do better exposing truth passionately/ A dragon doing his best to breath fire with his mind as a pilot light/ Inspiring those who inspire me with testimonial melodies/ The loyalty of a heartbeat giving you love to the last breath/ I serenade the female form with a culture that’s lyrical/ going deeper than most surface dwellers/ Going to the depths of pain and emerging with joy/ I wear it proud like a traveler with nice periderm / Glory be to the magnificent/ Even tho love on its highest level is praise enough ~


Coon: I’m really digging your flow/

Big Bro/ But what has that got to do with Fear & Love tho?…


Well I had to begin with a digression/ before I went in on this lesson/

So if you missed the fear & love in that/ excuse me while I bring it back/

I said: “I remember how fake I was when the word “real” was popular/


The Poet Stanley Ray: I’m feeling you Bleu/ and I am digging/ what you’re spitting/ but what it sounds like you were doing was basically pretending/ Pretending to be/ the being she wanted you to be/ you were basically pretending/ is there anything I’m missing?



Now back to the verse.

Romance flow/

Being a proficient lover of women/ never made me proficient at loving them properly/

Fear is one word with many dynamics/

If Man and Woman don’t approach their union as one body they have static/

Building a house with love in my one and only marriage/

We were doomed from the start building on a foundation that lacked courage/

Her decision to build a house with me/ was based in a fear of growing-old, alone/

As well as a fear of facing life’s many dangers on her own/

She saw me as a guardian/

Which actually wasn’t a problem then/

Because I was ministered by the type of men/

Who did everything to protect and inforce the divine feminine/


Phoenix: Excuse me Mr. Bleu, I don’t believe you truly understand what “Divine Feminine” means/ In order for a woman to be Divine and protect her throne she must first claim her throne/


Excuse me while I take ownership of my own sh***

My fear… was of not being good enough/

Always in the bad habit of trying to fit into people’s lives in stuff/

Never asking myself honestly if they were a good fit for my life/

Let alone were they worthy and such/

So now you have a foundation sponsored by thoughts of fear and built on lies/ hot damn!

Love is the house on top quickly sinking in quicksand/

Now the fear off loss kicks in/ forcing new lies to manifest/

But how is possible for love to be a loss? /

First-Off… Human Beings are not property/

Second… A soul’s purpose is to experience what it chooses to experience/

So with love as the choice/ love not only helped me let her go/ but it told me to hold the door open for her/

Love matters/

As well as good manners/

Glory be/

to G.O.D.

Look at me/

I’m all polite and Sh***

Loving myself kept my ego in check/

You know how the ego gets/

Twisting the truth making you feel they’ve committed a disrespect/

You disrespect yourself when they want to leave and you don’t let/


 GO! <~ (The Faithful Few says)


Let Our Voices Echo/

Let Our Values Endure/

Look Observe Verify Enjoy/

You missed that so let me say it once more/



L – O – V – E <~ (The Faithful Few says)

Let Our Voices Echo/

L – O – V – E <~ (The Faithful Few says)

Let Our Values Endure/

L – O – V – E <~ (The Faithful Few says)

Look Observe Verify Enjoy/

L – O – V – E <~ (The Faithful Few says)

The decision is yours…


author/novelist/poet also known as Graffiti Bleu, loves and lives in northern California. He was born in New York City and received some serious game and [learn more]

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