cryptic heart sorrows…

I ask myself, cryptic heart sorrows… Why does satan hug me like he misses me? Why does this lonely walk I’m taking feel familiar? Why do so many talk a great game but don’t know how to play the card they’re dealt? Why can’t people stop talking about shit that doesn’t matter? Why do people act […]


Graffiti Bleu

This is my life right here. The rebirth of my creative life. I have looked the dragon square in his eye and smiled at him fearing not. I put the pain inside the pages lustfully. I wept as I sung rich love down the hallowed hall. I refused to forget her or our dance among the starlit sky shaped round […]

”Just-I-See Justice”

As the ice came down and flame found its stride in the X-mas chimney, I laid ink in cursive to the fallen white. Next level I embrace you in the company of an old friend. I travel lifeless through the cosmic energy of my rival’s survival. I have looked into despairs pit gazing at the […]

Tasting Game

I lick the two gate keepers of my spoken words/ Remaining speechless trapped within the day dream of a day dream/ Smiling at the prize that lives south of your navel/ It grins back at me side ways/ Patiently waiting to reward me for patiently waiting/ Finally/ The flower I chase now stares at my […]

“The Pain That Answers to God” (Letting Go)

Shoulders heavy with comprehension’s failures Making bare feet drag through hot rough sands. High noon beams reality in despair’s dessert The truth’s blinding light masking its own existence. The Horizon holds no promises So I make one to my soul. “Stop sweating Start replenishing” I remove the weight from my shoulders and become lighter. I […]

“The Sit Down”

The Sit Down by Graffiti Bleu

Just because you have a knife, fork, napkin and appetite doesn’t mean that you’re bringing something to the table. Funny, how a love starved heart makes you see a meal in the empty hands of the sexy who’s the first to approach. Many are guilty of judging a soul with rose tinted glasses. In an […]

Mahogany Mamma

Graffiti Bleu

Business before pleasure, unless pleasures your business. A meeting with a Diamond I must see to believe. Patiently I wait behind my desk to witness. She enters my office; I inspect the 4 c’s

Evolution Is Imminent~

Graffiti Bleu

Evolution is imminent So there’s no need to say. You are better this way. We are better this way. So we Robin Hood time Thieving precious hours. The unstoppable grind. Pausing 1 for a shower. Magically, without touching me. Your passion lingers on my goatee. Slowly Freely Gently Easy Imagine if you actually showed me. […]