This is my life right here.
The rebirth of my creative life.
I have looked the dragon square in his eye and smiled at him fearing not.
I put the pain inside the pages lustfully.
I wept as I sung rich love down the hallowed hall.
I refused to forget her or our dance among the starlit sky shaped round her silhouette.
Missing the cosmic kissing, for it was my anti-venom.
The one thing that fed my light in darker skies.
I salute you with this simple song of eternity.
For you and I fit together like Sun and flame.
You change form like a daughter who becomes a mother.
I trip as I watch you born again inside the pages dancing freely planting seeds where we preform…

I trip as I watch you born again inside the pages dancing freely planting seeds where we preform.



author/novelist/poet also known as Graffiti Bleu, loves and lives in northern California. He was born in New York City and received some serious game and [learn more]

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