
Point of Reference.. #blog

     In my relentless quest for balance, I have often found myself talking about “perspective” mostly and how someone’s perspective shapes their reality. However there are many layers to all things and “Balance” is no different. I have found that considering “Point of Reference” to also be one of the many key components to […]

Love’s True Nature & How Conditions F*C Things Up.

     Love seems to move so randomly to me. As random as a wandering eye. As random as a feather skipping between gravity and a summer’s breeze. As random as a sudden lust for a stranger’s touch. As random as a thought. Love is also quick, shapeless and flexible. Love seems to be much […]

Adult Conversation: What is Taboo to You?

Adult Conversation: What is Taboo to you? That is a very good question/ Another good question might be: Can I share a scenario about that taboo/ maintain full transparency staying honest & true?/ So I’ll share this with you/ Every now & then/ you will meet a woman who will use her tongue to penetrate […]

The Psychologist & the Classy Bitch by Jacquelyn Smithson Howard & GB

Good afternoon, you must be Jacquelyn/ hey girl what’s happening/ let me say a few words before we start & get in it/ Feel free to express/ digress or confess/ whatever you want to talk about without feeling needs to defend it/ J: I guess you want me to sit here (facing the crowd and pointing […]

“Friends” #GuestBlogBy: Akronems

FRIENDS Fulfilling Real Individuals Embrace Naturally Daily Sharing @akronems A real friend Always is down no matter if you are right or wrong. No matter the situation it’s the love & support friends share for each OTHER, Our Trust Holds Encouraging Respect shared as one. A loyal trustworthy friend will RIDE OR DIE Risking It […]

Hustler Profile: Shanall LaRay #LaRayRecords

I walk in spirit with God’s wind at my back… I think out-loud and I share those thoughts with critical thinkers. Today’s thinker is the lovely, powerful & strong Founder of LaRay Records; Shanall LaRay.

Let’s Talk…

A funny thing happens when you progress/ in spite of those who attempted to oppress/ the lie that was told that you are less/ gets harder to digest/ especially when you become self aware that every fiber of your existence represents progress/ Funny how when you endure/ hell, high water & manure/ you may evoke […]

To Know/ To Grow/ To Flow

You are entering a land, not of sight, not of sound, but of desire/ The desire to know/ the desire to grow/ and the desire to flow/ here we go/ my wisdom of consciousness/ or at least the way I understand it/ is that a soul can chose to experience life as any form it […]

What If?

What if I told you that nine eleven was a hoax?/ & that most black folks wouldn’t take that statement for a joke?/ What if I told you that I’ve been around this big blue marble we call Earth one time thus far?/ What if I told you that every country has a ghetto?/What if […]

Happy Friday / Word Wizards Guest Blog / @Akronems

HAPPY FRIDAY = Have A Peaceful Positive Year Finding Relaxation Inspired Daily Around You @akronems Today is Friday, HAPPY FRIDAY, Hanging Around Positive People You Find Responsible Illustrating Dedication As Yourself is the step to greatness as your journey becomes about improving you Each day is a learning lesson in creating a greater you establishing […]