An Open Letter to the Bride & Groom to be/

An Open Letter to the Bride & Groom to be/   you are in love/   I know the love exchange of yang & yin well/ It makes you weightless as it tip-toes through the both of your hearts/ Dancing like Fred Astaire & Ginger Rodgers/ Dancing like the angels do in space/   You […]

Letting That Which Does Not Matter Truly Slide

        Letting That Which Does Not Matter Truly Slide      A lover leaves you after they’ve deceived you. A job let’s you go because you threaten the bosses position with your I.Q. A family member you confided in puts all of your business out in the streets and doesn’t even get […]

Is This the “Time For Women” & if so Why?

I walk in spirit with God’s wind at my back… I think out-loud and I share those thoughts with critical thinkers. Today’s thinker is my official co-host Carolyn Blakey. We discuss the dynamics of women & men as well as debate if this indeed is the “Time For Women” on this episode of Just My […]

How Noble is a Fuckboy.. Really?

How Noble is a Fuckboy.. Really? By now I believe we’ve all at least heard the term “Fuckboy”/ For those who have not/ perhaps you’ll learn/ Right now I’m using it as a form of generalization/ Similar to the broad stroke of a paint brush/ a technique of a performance poet to gain a reaction […]

Invisible Bully

I sit between my parents on their wedding day/ I lay sleep in my mothers belly while their vows and promises whisper to my north/ I am in heaven on earth/ 6 months before my birth/ filled with peace, love, harmony, solitude and warmth/ With the love of both Father and Mother transferred to me/ […]

My Speak Easy Experience

My Speak Easy Experience

I have been on many stages in my lifetime, visited many venues and participated in many events where poetry was the common thread that bound the souls in the room. (So have some of you) Rarely…

3 The Hard Way

3 the hard way

3 sides/ 3 angles/ + 1 dimension/ circumvention of closed doors/ is my intention/ not to mention/ one unified verse with 3 inflections/ warriors angels for your protection/ 3 voices registered as deadly weapons/ Inside skin we fit comfortably/ Balancing between the 3/ mind, body and spirit/ Boom, bap and lyric/ mic, stage and speaker/ crowd, host […]

The Karma of Passive Aggression

the karma of passive aggression

At this point in time many of us have realized two basic truths/ The first is this fact/ How folks are/ and how folks act/ might not match/ like your two thumbs do/ Number two/ There is karma associated with everything we do/ Before your mind contemplates/ or deliberates/ the karma we make by being […]

Once Upon A Time There Were 2 Lovers…

#OnceUponATime there were 2 lovers who were ordained to teach each other love’s true nature as well as the nature of people… One lover was a man who saw himself as invincible, the other was a woman who saw herself as broken… She hid her brokenness behind a mask of ego and lust. Keeping her […]