“What Needs to Happen”

Sean King is a poet, educator, mentor & pioneer of the arts in the Sacramento area. Malik Saunders is a poet & activist. Together with Novelist, Author, Poet Graffiti Bleu they talk about a host of topics in this new series..

Point of Reference.. #blog

     In my relentless quest for balance, I have often found myself talking about “perspective” mostly and how someone’s perspective shapes their reality. However there are many layers to all things and “Balance” is no different. I have found that considering “Point of Reference” to also be one of the many key components to […]

“THE MAN, THE MYTH AND THE LEGEND” By LaMont Anthony Wright #screenplay

“THE MAN, THE MYTH AND THE LEGEND” By LaMont Anthony Wright info@gbleu.com Sacramento CA 9190423-5548 FADE IN: QUEEN SHEBA’S ETHIOPIAN RESTAURANT It’s a clear day in Sacramento California, the front glass of the restaurant vibrates subtle as it contains the sweet talk shit of 3 old friends. Very rare do 3 friends maintain a friendship […]

Love’s True Nature & How Conditions F*C Things Up.

     Love seems to move so randomly to me. As random as a wandering eye. As random as a feather skipping between gravity and a summer’s breeze. As random as a sudden lust for a stranger’s touch. As random as a thought. Love is also quick, shapeless and flexible. Love seems to be much […]

“Friends” #GuestBlogBy: Akronems

FRIENDS Fulfilling Real Individuals Embrace Naturally Daily Sharing @akronems A real friend Always is down no matter if you are right or wrong. No matter the situation it’s the love & support friends share for each OTHER, Our Trust Holds Encouraging Respect shared as one. A loyal trustworthy friend will RIDE OR DIE Risking It […]

Hustler Profile: Shanall LaRay #LaRayRecords

I walk in spirit with God’s wind at my back… I think out-loud and I share those thoughts with critical thinkers. Today’s thinker is the lovely, powerful & strong Founder of LaRay Records; Shanall LaRay.

Let’s Talk…

A funny thing happens when you progress/ in spite of those who attempted to oppress/ the lie that was told that you are less/ gets harder to digest/ especially when you become self aware that every fiber of your existence represents progress/ Funny how when you endure/ hell, high water & manure/ you may evoke […]

From @akronems With LOVE ~

WITH LOVE Wisdom Inspires Those Here Living On Vibrant Energy @akronems WITH LOVE We Inspire Truth Helping Lives Obtain Valuable Experiences, by living by example, to encourage others the process of utilizing self love, Each day is a challenge to do better than yesterday by improving our weaknesses to become our strengths, as STRUGGLES Start […]

Poetry Scene #News (Is $5 Really THAT Expensive?)

Many act like poetry or anything associated with poetry should be given away for free. Is the 5 dollar cover most venues ask for really that expensive? Are the patrons who do NOT wish to pay $5 for a night of poetry right to feel that way? Are what they are typically getting for their […]