Romance & The Number 9

Invisible Bully #SpokenWord performance by Graffiti Bleu

“My Baby Girl” #GuestBlogPost by John Burt

Hello, my baby girl How are you today? I remember the day you were born Wow what a magnificent day!!! Even though you were two months early It seemed almost too long I love you so much Don’t forget on that day and everyday You’re always worth the wait!!! I was one of […]
Open Wide

A closed hand can receive no blessing/ A closed heart can receive no light/ A closed mind can see no differing point of view/ Be it relatively wrong or relatively right/ Closed windows know little about the winds of change/ Closed eyes knows color in theory/ dependent on a memory that’s clear/ A closed ear […]
Oh Say Can You See.. #poetry

Bigotry/ malevolence/ racism/ & injustice/ are just a few of the things I don’t take Lyte as an emcee/ However/ for the life of me/ I cram to understand/ the refusal to hear evil/ the refusal to speak about it/ as well as the refusal to see/ The darkness everyone is capable of/ too many […]
The Poet & the Violin (Act 2) “Superheros & Monsters”

We have officially reached the arch of this story/ The crossroad/ the fork in the road/ the middle of this allegory/ Guts and glory I use as metaphors for the 2 paths laid before me/ Gut is a metaphor I gave the darkness/ Leaving me no choice but to give God the glory/ Praise be […]
The Poet & the Violin (Opening Verse)

So much is said about the future/ So much time is spent in preparation for it/ we adore it/ always looking to explore it/ ironic how we ignore it/ when it comes time to envision/ the impact and effects/ the moment just before and right after your death/ or how much pain will walk hand […]
First Kiss #Poetry

I remember the time when Sade said the line/ It’s never as good as the first time A fantastic/ classic/ felt in my soul & in my spine/ As it traveled to my mind/ it made my memories rewind/ Like your favorite cassette/ remembering a time that I would never forget/ […]
Respecting The Pen (Vol 7)

Respecting The Pen (Vol 6)

Respecting The Pen (Vol 5)

“The Queen of What?” #Film (Visual #Art Interpretation) of #SpokenWord #Poetry by Graffiti Bleu