The Agony of Creation vs. The Silence of AI

The artist does not create because he chooses to. He creates because he must. The poet wrestles with words, agonizing over a truth too heavy to remain unspoken. The composer bleeds melodies, searching for a sound that already exists somewhere beyond time. The painter sees visions that will not let him rest until they are […]

My Father Taught Me.

My father taught me the relationship between selfish love and selfless love, and how each of us express both kinds everyday. My father taught me that some of us know there is a God, but don’t take the time to know god, or take enough time to pray/ My father taught me that when the […]

Reminice Featuring Melanin

Protector, provider/ Direction, decider/ I found a rider to compliment me/ Yin to my Yang/ & it’s never a thang/ to be under my wing/ & to walk beside me/ A fantasy/ to reality/ can it be/ possible/ that it was meant to be/ Destiny/ put you right next to me/ chemistry/ on every level/ […]

Rhythm & Poetry (Demigod Album)

Rhythm and Poetry; Produced by Ray Scavo Beat “Candle Light” This is a story/ that is not looking for glory/ That puts cats/ on blast/ for bad business like Mal and Rory/ Or meant to expose/ one time friends/ because that’s corny/ This is a testimony/ on how the game/ tried to destroy me/ For […]


Love is a house/ and I’m doing renovations/ on a never-ending job/ I looked in the mirror and didn’t know who I was facing/ My reflection’s looking odd/ I saw the Lord in my eyes, and I began to praise him/ he took away the pain and scars/ Spirit inside of the flesh/ Half man/ […]


Jealousy, Kanye beat; BY RAY SCAVO   There are forces in play that have “The Rap Game” in a choke-hold Sure, we create it but we don’t own it. We make it, but we don’t distribute it.   Am I being petty?/ Am I in my feelings already? Am I jealous of them/ or are […]

In Front of the Bodega

In front of the Bodega/ We find our hero/ ordering a turkey and cheese/ Looking through bullet proof glass/ at midnight/ on a hot summer night/ uptight/ without a breeze/ Aggravated/ since I haven’t ate/ my mistake/ Aggravated/ cause it’s hella late/ And it’s as hot as a cake/ or a cornbread/ Fresh out the […]


Jealousy, Kanye beat Produced by Ray Scavo   There are forces in play that have “The Rap Game” in a choke-hold Sure, we create it but we don’t own it. We make it, but we don’t distribute it. Am I being petty?/ Am I in my feelings already? Am I jealous of them/ or are […]

Jack Harlow Freestyle

Listening to y’all niggas rap/ is like wearing a cap/ that’s 2 sizes/ 2 small/ You’re hurting my head/ Pause/ Now I could use gauze/ you’re making my ears bleed/ indeed/ affect proceeded by the cause/ You niggas steady calling it hate/ That’s a mistake/ I simply disagree with your fake/ and wicked ways/ Subliminal’s […]

The Definition of Revenge

Your boss doesn’t like you/ Your boss just really doesn’t like you/ Watches whatever you do/ This big red “X” is on your back/ He starts fucking with you/ Clearly/ and really fucking with you/ but you are one of the few/ who’s never late/ and who never slacks/ Like other cats/ who call in […]

Hip-Hop Is

Hop-Hop is a culture/ Hip-Hop is a sculpture/ Made of fresh meat picked apart by the vultures/ Hip-Hop is a statement/ Hip-Hop is a rose/ Growing up through the streets of the ghetto/ and breaking through the pavement/ Rebellious by nature/ Naughty/ street disciples/ saw me/ as a poetic journalist with the passion to rhyme […]

Love You Better Tomorrow (Simp-in For the Booty)

She’s got 4 kids between 3 baby fathers/ I’ve got no sons/ one gun/ and no daughters/ If tea is romance/ I’m in hot water/ My time on Earth/ is one day shorter/ Than it was yesterday/ And we’ve all seen yesterdays add up to become years/ We’ve all seen how some smiles can become […]