
Here Comes Santa Clause

Here comes Santa Clause/ With promises to keep/ Miles to go before he sleeps/ Just about to take a leap/ Here Comes Santa Clause/ On another Christmas eve/ Coming down the chimney/ So I act like I’m a sleep/ The first thing I hear/ is the toilet flushing/ Guess he’s gotta go/ I was hoping […]


Title: Levels Project: Champagne Ethos 2 Producer: Valmond Track Name: “Gully Walker” Oh they’re so many levels/ different/ Like Stormtroopers and rebels/ different/ Like the bass and the treble/ different/ Like the “one” and the “two” High level/ Low level/ Mid level/ Not on my level/ Ultimate level/ All the way up there/ God tier/ […]

Who Is She Really Video/Film Short. (Script)

Who Is She Really Video/Film Short. INT.BEDROOM – DAY Camera POV enters bedroom through a doorway to discover 3 women having a conversation while helping each other get ready for a girls night out. Girl 1 is getting her make-up done by Girl 3 while facing a mirror. Camera POV looks over the shoulder of […]

“Oh… The Lies We Believe” LTTT Podcast (Transcript)

Greetings… I have briefly stepped into my “journalistic writing bag” Taking a break from my “Album Roll-out Bag” I recently saw a Tik Tok that spoke on a KGB Agent that stated “it would take 20 years for the western world to be successfully brainwashed” This statement not only fascinated me, but it confirmed some […]

LTTT “A 2nd Look at Mr West”

Kanye Omari West, rapper, poet, song writer, record producer, fashion designer, influencer, billionaire, son, father and expressionist. Is he talking crazy talk, or are we serious about refusing to listen? Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls dudes and dudettes, the sexy and the not-so-sexy, big children and little. I am the novelist, author poet LaMont […]

LTTT Ep 9 There’s a New “Bad Word” (Transcript)

LTTT Ep 9 Someone once told me that the definition of a poet was simply a lover of language. I have to assume this is true, since I would consider myself a poet and I certainly love language. I love commonly used words, I love uncommonly used words, big words, hard to pronounce words, clever […]

Hustler’z Code #BackStory Character: Raven (Patricia Leogrande)

  Hustler’z Code #BackStory Character: Raven (Patricia Leogrande)       In the streets of New York there are many storytellers. Many of them are very skilled at weaving tales of fiction and non-fiction. Some reach a level of storytelling mastery. Matteo Leogrande was such a man. He was also a man of high value […]

Mic Check Freestyle by Graffiti Bleu

1st thing I thought the day I turned 50/ Was how things were shifty/ that’s a reference/ to my perspective/ I thought of/ how age caught up/ and how much I was shorted/ how I got my stolen bike back/ how I afforded/ That apartment in Cambria Heights by washing dishes/ Part time/ with my […]