Rhythm & Poetry (A Closer Look)
8 Life Concepts Most of Us are Hard-Headed About.. #podcast
I walk in spirit with God’s wind at my back… I think out-loud and I share those thoughts with critical thinkers. Today we rant a bit. (24 minutes)
Let’s Talk…
A funny thing happens when you progress/ in spite of those who attempted to oppress/ the lie that was told that you are less/ gets harder to digest/ especially when you become self aware that every fiber of your existence represents progress/ Funny how when you endure/ hell, high water & manure/ you may evoke […]
What If?
What if I told you that nine eleven was a hoax?/ & that most black folks wouldn’t take that statement for a joke?/ What if I told you that I’ve been around this big blue marble we call Earth one time thus far?/ What if I told you that every country has a ghetto?/What if […]
Thursday Thoughts / Word Wizards #GuestBlog @Akronems
THURSDAY = Through Hustling Understand Responsibility Shows Determination About You @akronems Today is a great day to reflect on the growth of self. Our work week is almost ending but it’s always good to self reflect when improving self. Whatever is your skill of trade or career experience keep practicing, reading, researching and building to […]
Love Like Loyalty & Lust (15 Favorite Things)
I walk in spirit with God’s wind at my back… I think out-loud and I share those thoughts with critical thinkers. Today’s thinkers are Jacquelyn Howard & Phillis Clements
Corporate Boy Slim – A Chapter from the upcoming book: “The Art of Saying NO”
Corporate Boy Slim After Cain had murdered his brother Abel, God asked him where his brother was. Cain answered, “I know not; am I my brother’s keeper?” Cain’s words have come to symbolize people’s unwillingness to accept responsibility for the welfare of their fellows — their “brothers” in the extended sense of the term. Much like Able, I […]
“Pain to Power” The Journey of a Warrior named Coon the Poet
I walk in spirit with God’s wind at my back… I think out loud and I share those thoughts with critical thinkers. Today’s thinker is Coon the Poet. Click below.
#AboutLastNight (Thank You) #RhythmNPoetry
Top 5 Emcees with That Kid Raja.
I walk in spirit with God’s wind at my back… I think out-loud and I share those thoughts with critical thinkers. Today’s thinker is That Kid Raja. Today we chop it up about our “Top 5 Emcees”
Godbody (Performance)
Before I Cut the Check
Once upon a time I was in a situation/ where I was having a great conversation/ with a goddess that had great powers of persuasion/ She also had more game than Allen Iverson/ Venus Williams, Serena Williams, Laura Robson/ Micheal Jordan in 91/ or a hand of spades about to run a […]