Just Because (Re-Write)

You have to treat yourself like you matter. Because if you don’t then you don’t take care of yourself. Then you become vengeful and cruel and you take it out on the people around you and you are not a positive force. None of that is good. You suffer more and more and so does everyone else around you. Intolerance over other views no matter how ignorant or incoherent they may be is not simply wrong in a world where there is no right or wrong; it is worse. It is a sign that you are embarrassingly unsophisticated or possibly dangerous. Assume that the person you are listening to knows something you don’t.

Just because my way is different from your way/ Doesn’t make your way/

right/ right/ right/

Just because you choose the dark way/

doesn’t mean I can’t choose the opposite/

walk in light/

Just because today/ I move like M.L.K./

tomorrow I can turn Malcolm/

fight/ fight/ fight/

We could be great friends or the worst of enemies/ one is a summer breeze/

one is dark as night/

The affair was emotional/ when we first met/

sex wasn’t negotiable/ You were engaged/ and I was with somebody too/

Yet we were both approachable/ and coachable/

for friendly one on ones/ just me & you/

This all sounded rational/ but didn’t sound practical/

Considering the lust that you have for me/ and the lust that I have for you/

so what are we gonna do?/ Russian roulette/ here we are spending time/


a kiss was stolen/ damn!/ Am I confusing you?/

cause you’re confusing me/ We broke it off/ we weren’t sociable/

We did what we had to do/

Or at least what we felt we had to do/

We didn’t speak at all/ we trolled each other’s page/ but we were done/ through/

She had married hers/ and I got married too/

But all things are seasonal/

Time passes/ 10 years/

I’m divorced and so are you/

Not responsible/ No longer with obstacles/ things had gotten physical/ mistaking lust for love/

the sky was blue/ with you/ that’s what I wanna believe/ but seems we’re only compatible/

when we are laying down/ and enemies whenever we’re standing vertical/

Just because my way is different from your way/ Doesn’t make your way/

right/ right/ right/

Just because you choose the dark way/

doesn’t mean I can’t choose the opposite/

walk in light/

Just because today/ I move like M.L.K./

tomorrow I can turn Malcolm/

fight/ fight/ fight/

We could be great friends or the worst of enemies/ one is a summer breeze/

one is dark as night/

Fear killed a romance that wasn’t meant to be/

Pride killed a friendship between you and me/

Making me ask God if I was worthy/ and if not is this how love is supposed to be?/

I walk around in my skin quite comfortably/

But I still look at romance awkwardly/

Wondering if a person is real and if not is this just who that they pretend to be?/

Black butterfly I set you free/

You were never in a cage though/ and therein lies the irony/

Once it was ride or die with me/

Now it’s was run far away and try to find some place to hide from me/

Fine then I’ll say peace, see ya later/

and thank you for paving the way to something greater/

I’m in the vortex and you’re a spectator/

Instead of bowing down to you/ I chose the creator ~

Just because my way is different from your way/ Doesn’t make your way/

right/ right/ right/

Just because you choose the dark way/

doesn’t mean I can’t choose the opposite/

walk in light/

Just because today/ I move like M.L.K./

tomorrow I can turn Malcolm/

fight/ fight/ fight/

We could be great friends or the worst of enemies/ one is a summer breeze/

one is dark as night/

  • GB


author/novelist/poet also known as Graffiti Bleu, loves and lives in northern California. He was born in New York City and received some serious game and [learn more]

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