The Mystery of Black History… #Poetry

mystery-black-history There is a certain truth that moonlight brings/

That truth is as sharp as Valyrian steel/

Sharp enough to slice through a lie/ this particular lie/ you chose to believe just to satisfy/ 

The basic needs of a man’s vanity/

This lie pisses me off at times, but I’ll try to get through this without profanity/

But I really can’t promise that/ so try not to be mad at me/

Sitting in your chair like… Oh The Humanity!/

Cutting through the bull/ SHING!/ and down to the white meat/

Wu Tang Clan/ style exposing a mystery to black history/

The mystery won’t be solved however, by putting a sword through/ or bringing attention to/ specific dates/ of the greats/ that came before/

The mystery won’t be solved by speaking on Africa’s riches/ the exploitation and the way governments thrive on war/

Black history wasn’t a mystery as a youth now was it? An awareness that made us unaware at ages below 5/

So alive/ and unaware of the petty differences/ yet, well aware however of what we felt inside/

We will carve our way down to the roots or should I say reason for the lie/

Which makes folks believe that their skin color is somehow more special than yours or mine/

As if our light doesn’t also shine/ as if the phoenix that burns inside every one of us is not divine/

Like an omnipotent being couldn’t bless everyone at the same time/

Steel sharpens steel / but how could you make that statement real/ If you teach a child to go against what they feel/

Cutting to the truth/ our children are smarter than us/

They trust easier than us/ living more in the now like we should do/

So in truth the mystery of black history is more about the psychology/

Follow me/ a mind that is already young and free/ will enslave itself willingly/ after being taught the thoughts of supremacy/

So if lies are the poison/ and truth is the remedy/ how come there are so many that learn the truth but so few show signs of recovery/

We all know Moses probably wasn’t pale/ but wouldn’t think twice when he’s played by Christian Bale/

How we don’t mind the facts being twisted in big budget motion pictures/ but a black Santa on a lawn would have your neighbors whisper/

I can give you a dozen examples/ with a thousand verses/ with a million letters/

But we all know that wouldn’t make this poem any better/

Sort of like Haethcliff Huxtable in trademark sweater/

Having his accomplishments overshadowed like a major city with inclement weather/

Making the mystery of black history/ less about the psychology/ or how the walls of supremacy were built/  

Some of you may be surprised to see/ that the mystery of black history/ is solved when we accept the truth about guilt/

There’s a certain truth that moonlight brings/ and this truth is that no one likes to be corrected/

Its human nature/ and bad behavior/ but it has to be respected/

Just expect it/ especially from an ego with a vanity mirror pleased with its view/

For if it ever sees a reflection it doesn’t like/ it will pretend not to see/ willing to accept what they know just isn’t true ~



author/novelist/poet also known as Graffiti Bleu, loves and lives in northern California. He was born in New York City and received some serious game and [learn more]

One Response

  1. Thank you, Poet La Mont Anthony Wright, for your insights – wonderful as usual! You are such a precious resource for good…. – and, as A good friend told me – "don't let those ba…ards live in your head too much, don't let them take up your precious thinking spaces"…. good advice, as it sometimes it allows life to be enjoyed more fully. xx peace, love, justice, old susanne xs

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