Once Upon A Time There Were 2 Lovers…
#OnceUponATime there were 2 lovers who were ordained to teach each other love’s true nature as well as the nature of people… One lover was a man who saw himself as invincible, the other was a woman who saw herself as broken… She hid her brokenness behind a mask of ego and lust. Keeping her […]
“She Fascinates Me” #poetry #remix
She fascinates me/She fascinates me with her relentless exploration/She is hungry for the flavors of passion/ If joy had a taste it would taste like her/ And after me being starved of love for quite some time/ I would experience a manifesto that was quite sublime/ She tastes life with me just before dripping wisdom […]
She Fascinates Me…
She fascinates me with her relentless exploration for the flavors of passion/seasoned with the syrup of joy/ She tastes life with me just before dripping wisdom on my core self/ from balls to bone marrow/flesh and spirit we dance forever/ Like the edges of 2 galaxies spinning besides each other/ Harmonious we are beyond what man can […]