Real Talk – Up Late Poets “Flash” & “Coon” interview Graffiti Bleu.

Usually, Graffiti Bleu is behind the camera asking questions.. This time he’s in front of it answering..
Rhythm & Poetry (A Closer Look)

8 Life Concepts Most of Us are Hard-Headed About.. #podcast

I walk in spirit with God’s wind at my back… I think out-loud and I share those thoughts with critical thinkers. Today we rant a bit. (24 minutes)
Love Like Loyalty & Lust (15 Favorite Things)

I walk in spirit with God’s wind at my back… I think out-loud and I share those thoughts with critical thinkers. Today’s thinkers are Jacquelyn Howard & Phillis Clements
100 Bars of Tough Love

A Hundred Bars of Tough Love

At the table I sit like I’ve done so many times before/ Sometimes to break bread/ sometimes to wage war/ What more/ can I say/ if top billing/ Was already achieved at the hand of mic killing?/ Everything that doesn’t give you that feeling/ Like you ate soul food that promotes healing/ Hurt people/ Hurt […]
Love, Acceptance, Inclusion & the Black Response. (Part 2 of this Series)

I walk in spirit with God’s wind at my back… I think out-loud and I share those thoughts with critical thinkers. Today’s thinkers are Author Jacki Howard & Phillis Clements of Sunshine Solutions. Today we chop it up about Love, Acceptance, Inclusion & the Black Response. (Part 2 of this Series)
Top 5 Lessons Learned from past Relationships.. (MASH PT2)

I walk in spirit with God’s wind at my back… I think out-loud and I share those thoughts with critical thinkers. Today’s thinker is Activist, Educator and Poet Mary Ashley AKA MASH..
A Bloodless #Revolution.. is it Even Possible? (MASH PT1)

I walk in spirit with God’s wind at my back… I think out-loud and I share those thoughts with critical thinkers. Today’s thinker is Poet, Educator and Activist Mary Ashley (MASH)
The Fear & Love Poetry Cypher (Finale Verse)

I remember how fake I was when the word “real” was popular/ Now I know better and do better exposing truth passionately/ A dragon doing his best to breath fire with his mind as a pilot light/ Inspiring those who inspire me with testimonial melodies/ The loyalty of a heartbeat giving you love to the […]
GTV Artist Profile “MASH”

Keynote Poets