“The Queen of What?” #Film (Visual #Art Interpretation) of #SpokenWord #Poetry by Graffiti Bleu

Crossroads. (A short story about the entertainment industry)

I believe the year was 1993. I was in the midst of a studio session with my New York crew. Men of Exquisite Talent is what we called ourselves. “M.O.E.T.” (yes.. like the champagne) The engineer of this particular session was a man named Troy Hightower. A extremely talented man. He would go on from […]
How Is it Possible for Love to be a Loss? #poetry #filmmaking #REMIX

Respecting The Pen (Volume 4) “The Difference between Understanding & Overstanding..

Graffiti Bleu “Together” #Music #Video

“What Needs To Happen” (Episode 7) Fear & Belief.

“What Needs To Happen” (Episode 6) Participate, Elevate, Getting Out Of Your Own Way..

Respecting The Pen (Volume 3) Poet/ Educator/ Mentor: Sean King #SlamVerse

Respecting The Pen (Volume 2) Poet/ Educator/ Mentor: Sean King

Just My Thoughts #podcast VB 1 (Video Blog)

Is This the Best We Can Do?

Is this really the best we can do? Love thy neighbor is a difficult concept?/ “United we stand divided we fall” is something we don’t get?/ Open your heart is something we can’t let?/ Happen/ Is disrespect really the foundation of everyone rapping?/ Or are we sadistic & sadomasochistic rubber necking the car accident as […]
That Kid Raja & Graffiti Bleu “How We Play The Game” #Music #Video