The Poet & the Violin (Opening Verse)

So much is said about the future/ So much time is spent in preparation for it/ we adore it/ always looking to explore it/ ironic how we ignore it/ when it comes time to envision/ the impact and effects/ the moment just before and right after your death/ or how much pain will walk hand […]
How do you know when you are truly “DONE” in a relationship?

Graffiti Bleu “All By Myself” #Music #Video

Romance in the Social Media Era

First Kiss #Poetry

I remember the time when Sade said the line/ It’s never as good as the first time A fantastic/ classic/ felt in my soul & in my spine/ As it traveled to my mind/ it made my memories rewind/ Like your favorite cassette/ remembering a time that I would never forget/ […]
Respecting The Pen (Vol 7)

Respecting The Pen (Vol 6)

Respecting The Pen (Vol 5)

The Art of Saying No: The Memoirs of a Naive Poet

Release date: February 14, 2020 See the interview on Read A Synopsis of “The Art of Saying No” Read The Dediation In “The Art of Saying No”
Just My Thoughts

What Needs to Happen Ep #8 speech

In 1967 Dr Matin Luther King was expounding on his “non-violent” philosophy inside of a speech he gave at Stanford University. In he stated and I quote. “We’ve got to get rid of one or two false notions that exist in our society. One is the notion that only time can solve the problem of […]
What Needs to Happen Ep #8 Trailer