LTTT Ep.4 “Is Ignorance Bliss?” #Podcast

LTTT Ep 3 “Is Masculinity Toxic?”

LTTT Episode 2 “Is There A Gender War?”

Let’s Think This Through Ep1 #Podcast

Deconstructing The Lie #JustMyThoughts #Podcast

“Spiritual Healing” #music #video by Graffiti Bleu

Women Who Call Their Man “Daddy” I.R. Mirror Of Minds #Podcast

Just My Thoughts with Graffiti Bleu #podcast “The Karma Of A Spoiled Child”

I Don’t Want To Kill.. #MOET #LostRecords

Oh Say Can You See.. #poetry

Bigotry/ malevolence/ racism/ & injustice/ are just a few of the things I don’t take Lyte as an emcee/ However/ for the life of me/ I cram to understand/ the refusal to hear evil/ the refusal to speak about it/ as well as the refusal to see/ The darkness everyone is capable of/ too many […]
3 Way Conversation (2 of 4) #podcast

3 Way Conversation: (1 of 4) #podcast