So How Can My Fire Turn You Cold?.. #QuickVerse

Funny how passion can scare some people/

Or better yet maybe it’s not funny at all/

Fear is about as funny as an insecurity looking to control what cannot be tamed/

The eternal flame/

That will give you hell if you try to contain it/

Let alone explain it/

Do so in poetic verse if you’ve got the balls to do so/

You may find your friends to be a Faithful Few/

If you do what you love and love what you do/

Somebody somewhere just said true/ true/

Now watch me address the fearful and confess my joy/

Love always builds/ fear always destroys/

So how can my fire turn you cold? /

Unless your intentions were to control? /

Behold/ God flow/ Mastery as it unfolds/

Truth be told/
I love you regardless ~



author/novelist/poet also known as Graffiti Bleu, loves and lives in northern California. He was born in New York City and received some serious game and [learn more]

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