Perception is Everything

Perception is Everything

     Everything you are experiencing right now is a matter of your perception. Emotions and the state of your spirit will heavily influence how you perceive things. A relaxed person without worry for example, might come home from work to find his/her door unlocked and their first thought may be to ask themselves if they remembered locking it. A person full of fear and worry may look at that same door and believe that their home either has been or currently is being robbed. By that same token a man and his wife may be asleep in their bed late at night. The man is sound asleep, tired from working long hours and his wife is restless because she perceives their marriage to be in trouble because they’re not spending enough time together. The husband is able to sleep because he perceives himself as a provider. His wife said that they need more money and he went out and got it. He’s proud of himself because he’s a hustler. His job is proud of him too because he breaks his back for them. So much so that they call him in the middle of the night to see if he would like to work so more overtime. Unfortunately, he is so sound asleep, he doesn’t hear his phone ringing. His wife does. As she stares at the ceiling fan spinning above their bed in the darkness, and all she can think to herself is “Who the fuck is that bitch on the other end of the call”


Perception is Everything

     You ever hear a rumor about you that was the furthest thing from the truth? You ever make peace with an old girlfriend or boyfriend and they tell you a story from the past that is nothing like how you remember it happened? You ever had your laid back demeanor mistaken for laziness? Your friendly attitude mistaken for flirting or your kindness mistaken for weakness? A wise man once told me that you cannot persuade someone who is already convinced. I believe he was absolutely right.




author/novelist/poet also known as Graffiti Bleu, loves and lives in northern California. He was born in New York City and received some serious game and [learn more]

2 Responses

  1. Perception is what you imagine the reality is;once you believe that what you imagined is reality, whether you verified it with objective realities or not, it becomes perespective for taking action. Ideal situation is of course that before taking action, you should gather maximum information and then form your perespective to take action. Unfortunately,in more than 80% cases, and for some people with impulsive nature,it could be almost 100%, they take actions on the basis of their perceptions. And it is true for a person,group or an institutions. Even states take actions on the basis of their percetions about the reality,particularly about the intensions of the other countries. Cuban Missile Crises is a fine example of this mis-perceptions becoming perespective.

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