4 poets/Two shows/First night/Last Word

     A woman who I am very connect with told me that I walk with a few demons. When I asked her to clarify she said that my heart walked with God however, I have demons also inside of me that I use to extract vengeance upon my foes.

Let us pause here… 3… 2… 1…

She was right. I share this with you because I have grown since then. (Mostly…) Saturday night was a testament to that growth. 4 poets, Two shows, one night. Kat was listening, and the people have spoken. The team sent out a challenge to Atlantans and they answered in numbers. Byron, Karee, Poet and myself  had a connection with the audience that the people were looking for. You won’t find me dancing in the End Zone on this one tho… Our job is to kill it. Now on to the next one. The team then paid a visit to the private party of DJ Motor City. Same results, and still no dancing in the End Zone. The devil poked his head out of the ground and got checked by the poet from Jersey. I didn’t have to say a word, on the field or from the sidelines. The third eye watched how it unfolded and didn’t even mention its insignificance. 

The game is fun again…

Let me clarify the walk with the demon further. He is wherever you are. That is why the joyful places are so important. For that is the only place he can not follow. 


author/novelist/poet also known as Graffiti Bleu, loves and lives in northern California. He was born in New York City and received some serious game and [learn more]

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