Underground or Underground #HustlerzCode

Hustler'z Code: Poet's Pursuit of Paradise, Book 3 by LaMont Anthony Wright “My husband, my mentor, my lover, my friend. The only thing better than exploring your body was experiencing your soul. Listening to you share your wisdom while you accepted my truth without passing judgement or implementing boundaries. Making me live the life of the Black Butterfly you insisted I be. I am yours because I choose to be. No cages, shackles or burdens were ever placed on my wings. Making every day spent with you a day where my spirit would fly. The shower was filled with my singing, while my back bones were filled with your rhythms. You constantly told me how you loved me and I constantly told you how I loved you more. Your kiss is what life feels like when it’s lived to the fullest. I sigh in your presence and you gaze at me with the wonder of a child with an old soul. You love me well beyond utterances that profess a mechanical response to “I love you” Talking to you is as easy as breathing during the best sleep of your life. Tasting the way you think through conversation. Drinking from the well of your inner peace added fuel to my fire for you. Connected by every possible thread of our spiritual existence; I felt the cosmos move out of the way for what you and I made real. My King… where are you now? They tell me you’re a terrorist although you’ve never been arrested or charged as such. My King… where are you now? They tell me you are somewhere at the bottom of the sea, but they’ve never found a trace of you. My King… They tell me to move on from you but I search for you relentlessly. I examine the blue lines of the paper and follow the traces of your pen. I will not stop until I find you and our love is one again…”

– Amber Love Smith

Opening Prelude for the “Hustler’z Code”


author/novelist/poet also known as Graffiti Bleu, loves and lives in northern California. He was born in New York City and received some serious game and [learn more]

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