Rob My Desire.

Victim I lay before this day,
Mind and loins now prisoner born.
My moon now longer where stars stay.
I am brought down to rest on one knee.
Within inches of the fucking keys.
Stretching my arms painfully
Extending fingers through the bars.
Like long legs parting before moans.
Praying to the lonely stars.
That a new ruler will return.
Time passes and the sky empties,
Empty as one whose shoulders lay grave.
Trying desperately,
For the freedom of sexual expression.
Red Sun Full now at your back worshiping your soul.
Making my desire endless
 Blue flames spread like youthful wings
Till the nightfall anxious for her flirt.

Again robs me of my desire.


author/novelist/poet also known as Graffiti Bleu, loves and lives in northern California. He was born in New York City and received some serious game and [learn more]

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