New York State of Mind…

ny-state-of-mind Location, location, location…

New York City.

I grew up in this city.

I left this city because the world was spinning too fast at the time. Now I’ve come back to make it stop. Life can throw you into a storm; on what was seemingly a very sunny day. I have learned to adapt to sudden changes.

Ironically… in this very city. I’ve reached a point in my life where I am once again, looking for myself.

I came to NY for a video project, but the more I walked the streets of Queens, Harlem and Manhattan… (Simply didn’t have time for the Bronx or Long Island) the more I considered living here once again. California has been a good look for me for a loOong time.

Sunshine is not the only reason I live there, trust me. However there is a sincerity I miss from the North east that isn’t common place in the west. The kind of transparency I have not found anywhere else. A “tell you up front” attitude that appeals to my truth seeking nature. Will I move back? Just be on some artist sh*t and be “about that life” full-time? Who knows… It would be difficult for anyone to get me out of my lovely Roseville apartment. #flyshit

I would move to Harlem or Brooklyn if I did though. I would expand the collective as well. (Not to mention the team would consist of cats I’ve known since High school. Or do I continue in California? Change the game and bring organization, east coast hustle and perspective to the Bay Area and beyond?

Only time will answer this one…


author/novelist/poet also known as Graffiti Bleu, loves and lives in northern California. He was born in New York City and received some serious game and [learn more]

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