Let The Truth Be Told…

Let the Truth Be Told…
The further you push in the game/ towards the fame/ It’s a shame/
That it changes your course and condition/
Just listen and use intuition/ when greed gets to whisperin’/
Fuck the fame/ It’s about recognition/
To know that your peers/ and the ones you hold dear/
That are truly sincere/ with their love of your passion/
And they keep asking/ what’s about to happen/
And you cannot answer/ because God’s in control/
And no one really knows/ where your path really goes/
Then your story is told/ through a King’s testimony/
That makes the weak and the phony/
Have hate for you only/ cause they know it’s your truth unlike all their bologna
Let the truth be told…
Switching the flow because I can/ now let’s get back into it/
Talking about how as a man/ I perceive the game and shit/
From what I have seen and the evidence in front of me/
The state of music’s fine/ so I will simply let it be/
No complaining about the haters, fakers and jealousy/
The lack of realness in the game/ and bullshit in the industry/
The more you know your truth the less the lies matter/
And the sticks thrown at you becomes steps inside your ladder/
That moment when your persistence/ overcomes all of your resistance/
And you blow and you never look back/ as a matter of fact/
I would rather attack/ full speed ahead to a place where they can’t fucking see me/
Let the truth be told…
Switching the flow one mo gen/ to let you ninjas know that my pen/
Is probably iller than yours and your friends/ your crew/ and all of your men/
I talk about my truth and you don’t so I win/
I know I haven’t blogged in awhile… but after the Simony book, I needed a break from story elling. Of course… my mind is always active, regardless if I want to take a break or not. So a break for me is writing music. I have been deep in the hip-hop verses with my Cali fam… We have cut 11 records in 8 weeks… I’m just sharing the verse to last night’s black-out… see you in-between the margins.
Brodomatics all day baby…


author/novelist/poet also known as Graffiti Bleu, loves and lives in northern California. He was born in New York City and received some serious game and [learn more]

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