Adult Conversation: What is Taboo to You?

Adult Conversation: What is Taboo to you?

That is a very good question/ Another good question might be: Can I share a scenario about that taboo/ maintain full transparency staying honest & true?/

So I’ll share this with you/

Every now & then/ you will meet a woman who will use her tongue to penetrate you/
Strip you/ split you/ lick you/ in a place not licked by many/ or should I say any?/ on the low the number is closer to plenty/ taking shots of chocolate/ like rappers take shots of Henny/ Some men think they can handle it until the ambush comes in the form of a pretty face/ so pretty in fact/ no one would suspect that she would taste/ the chocolate starfish below a man’s waist/ with no haste/ I watched speechless as she went from franks to beans/ beans to skin/ skin to outer rim/ There is no planet called “Myanus” yet she’s orbiting in circles/ I can’t relax/ Now Iv’e got your nose/ clinch/ I’ve got your nose/ clinch/ I’ve got your nose/ Both of our eyes are closed/ I say quit it with the tongue & I promise I’ll let go/ She does’t say yes & she doesn’t say no/ my bootie starts trembling/ My butt crack quivers from fear/ my asshole has low self esteem/ it feels that it doesn’t deserve this/ fresh out of the shower yes/ but feels unworthy of this service/ then I heard a muffled voice but I could not comprehend the words/ she raised her head & spoke again/ she’s much clearer now/ every thought she spoke was heard/

She had the prettiest face/ one of innocence/ one of sincerity/ if tenderness had a face it would be hers alone/ Quite sincerely & rather merrily/ she spoke of how she liked to lick the rim/ AKA the chocolate brim with elastic skin/ & how it pleases her so/ and please don’t squeeze her nose again/ please relax and let go/ Now I am at an awkward moment because I prefer to fuck her until the Sun rises/ Some how/ my booty is being held hostage in exchange for the cat/ My prostate and rectum have an argument in fact/ my anus is too scared to talk/ the vibration of fear has the frank & beans on military stand by standing down/ Now they’re facing south in a pair of my favorite Guess jeans/ listening as I call the cab/

I apologize to all who prefer starfish delight/
I’m feeling some type of way/ so I bid her goodnight ~




author/novelist/poet also known as Graffiti Bleu, loves and lives in northern California. He was born in New York City and received some serious game and [learn more]

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