Letting That Which Does Not Matter Truly Slide





Letting That Which Does Not Matter Truly Slide


A lover leaves you after they’ve deceived you. A job let’s you go because you threaten the bosses position with your I.Q. A family member you confided in puts all of your business out in the streets and doesn’t even get the story straight.

Let it slide.

A trusted friend becomes envious of your new position and tries to hold you back from a blessing. A fearful lover tries to over compensate for that fear by making you less of a lover and more like a piece of property. Someone who barely knows you can’t seem to stop making assumptions about who you are.. or keep your name out of their mouth.

Let it slide.

There is karma associated with everything we do. We may view ourselves as imperfect, however the universe itself is in complete harmony with itself and us. We are one you see. It is only when we take responsibility for our actions, thoughts and emotions is when we are truly set free. Through the “Laws of Attraction” we bring things to us as well as push them away. No different than a comet having a single rotation around the Earth or a Moon orbiting the Earth until it no longer spins. Friends, associates and even family will be short term or long term commoners with our spirits by a grander designs than the ones made by critical thinking mammals. So then why return fire? There is no reason to get revenge on a selfish person for it will not teach them to be selfless. There is no need to get revenge on the fearful because it will not give them courage on the next go around. I am not telling any of you to “Turn the other cheek” at the expense of not defending yourself or the ones you love. What I am saying is that holding on to any resentment or having “ill will” for those who may not be as “spiritually mature” as you may not be the best move for you. Or at least it isn’t the choice that will have the best results in matters that pertain to your well being.

Let it slide.

Each and every time that I have let that which does not matter truly slide, karma has picked up the slack with the vengeance of an angry storm. In each case karma made sure the debt was paid with interest. So much interest in fact, it made me empathize with any foe I’ve had in the past to a degree where my heart was heavy for them. So the next time someone pisses you off, meditate. When you find peace, then ask yourself “Does it matter?” and then if the answer is “NO”

Let it slide.



author/novelist/poet also known as Graffiti Bleu, loves and lives in northern California. He was born in New York City and received some serious game and [learn more]

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