
Mic Check Freestyle by Graffiti Bleu

1st thing I thought the day I turned 50/ Was how things were shifty/ that’s a reference/ to my perspective/ I thought of/ how age caught up/ and how much I was shorted/ how I got my stolen bike back/ how I afforded/ That apartment in Cambria Heights by washing dishes/ Part time/ with my […]

Facing What You Need to Face.. written #storytelling

The year is 1977. I am in the passenger seat of an old Chrysler on a very rainy day. I remember the year since my very pregnant mother; was about 2 months from giving birth to my little brother Damian. Her pregnant belly can barely fit behind the steering wheel. Dad was at work, so […]

What Needs to Happen Ep #8 speech

In 1967 Dr Matin Luther King was expounding on his “non-violent” philosophy inside of a speech he gave at Stanford University. In he stated and I quote. “We’ve got to get rid of one or two false notions that exist in our society. One is the notion that only time can solve the problem of […]

Crossroads. (A short story about the entertainment industry)

I believe the year was 1993. I was in the midst  of a studio session with my New York crew. Men of Exquisite Talent is what we called ourselves. “M.O.E.T.” (yes.. like the champagne)  The engineer of this particular session was a man named Troy Hightower. A extremely talented man. He would go on from […]

Is This the Best We Can Do?

Is this really the best we can do? Love thy neighbor is a difficult concept?/ “United we stand divided we fall” is something we don’t get?/ Open your heart is something we can’t let?/ Happen/ Is disrespect really the foundation of everyone rapping?/ Or are we sadistic & sadomasochistic rubber necking the car accident as […]

Adult Conversation: What is Taboo to You?

Adult Conversation: What is Taboo to you? That is a very good question/ Another good question might be: Can I share a scenario about that taboo/ maintain full transparency staying honest & true?/ So I’ll share this with you/ Every now & then/ you will meet a woman who will use her tongue to penetrate […]

Let’s Talk…

A funny thing happens when you progress/ in spite of those who attempted to oppress/ the lie that was told that you are less/ gets harder to digest/ especially when you become self aware that every fiber of your existence represents progress/ Funny how when you endure/ hell, high water & manure/ you may evoke […]

Happy Friday / Word Wizards Guest Blog / @Akronems

HAPPY FRIDAY = Have A Peaceful Positive Year Finding Relaxation Inspired Daily Around You @akronems Today is Friday, HAPPY FRIDAY, Hanging Around Positive People You Find Responsible Illustrating Dedication As Yourself is the step to greatness as your journey becomes about improving you Each day is a learning lesson in creating a greater you establishing […]

Corporate Boy Slim – A Chapter from the upcoming book: “The Art of Saying NO”

Corporate Boy Slim      After Cain had murdered his brother Abel, God asked him where his brother was. Cain answered, “I know not; am I my brother’s keeper?” Cain’s words have come to symbolize people’s unwillingness to accept responsibility for the welfare of their fellows — their “brothers” in the extended sense of the term. Much like Able, I […]

A Hundred Bars of Tough Love

At the table I sit like I’ve done so many times before/ Sometimes to break bread/ sometimes to wage war/ What more/ can I say/ if top billing/  Was already achieved at the hand of mic killing?/ Everything that doesn’t give you that feeling/ Like you ate soul food that promotes healing/ Hurt people/ Hurt […]