The Psychologist & the Classy Bitch by Jacquelyn Smithson Howard & GB
Good afternoon, you must be Jacquelyn/ hey girl what’s happening/ let me say a few words before we start & get in it/ Feel free to express/ digress or confess/ whatever you want to talk about without feeling needs to defend it/ J: I guess you want me to sit here (facing the crowd and pointing […]
8 Life Concepts Most of Us are Hard-Headed About.. #podcast
I walk in spirit with God’s wind at my back… I think out-loud and I share those thoughts with critical thinkers. Today we rant a bit. (24 minutes)
Happy Friday / Word Wizards Guest Blog / @Akronems
HAPPY FRIDAY = Have A Peaceful Positive Year Finding Relaxation Inspired Daily Around You @akronems Today is Friday, HAPPY FRIDAY, Hanging Around Positive People You Find Responsible Illustrating Dedication As Yourself is the step to greatness as your journey becomes about improving you Each day is a learning lesson in creating a greater you establishing […]
A Hundred Bars of Tough Love
At the table I sit like I’ve done so many times before/ Sometimes to break bread/ sometimes to wage war/ What more/ can I say/ if top billing/ Was already achieved at the hand of mic killing?/ Everything that doesn’t give you that feeling/ Like you ate soul food that promotes healing/ Hurt people/ Hurt […]
Inside of This Fantasy
Inside of This Fantasy I am torn/ Like a child who’s parents just got divorced/ where the mom as well as the dad both told the child separately/ “I would love for you to live with me” That same child may have a fantasy/ that the divorce never came to be/ I am torn/ Like […]