
Mic Check Freestyle by Graffiti Bleu

1st thing I thought the day I turned 50/ Was how things were shifty/ that’s a reference/ to my perspective/ I thought of/ how age caught up/ and how much I was shorted/ how I got my stolen bike back/ how I afforded/ That apartment in Cambria Heights by washing dishes/ Part time/ with my […]

Oh Say Can You See.. #poetry

Bigotry/ malevolence/ racism/ & injustice/ are just a few of the things I don’t take Lyte as an emcee/ However/ for the life of me/ I cram to understand/ the refusal to hear evil/ the refusal to speak about it/ as well as the refusal to see/ The darkness everyone is capable of/ too many […]

The Poet & the Violin (Act 2) “Superheros & Monsters”

We have officially reached the arch of this story/ The crossroad/ the fork in the road/ the middle of this allegory/ Guts and glory I use as metaphors for the 2 paths laid before me/ Gut is a metaphor I gave the darkness/ Leaving me no choice but to give God the glory/ Praise be […]

Is This the Best We Can Do?

Is this really the best we can do? Love thy neighbor is a difficult concept?/ “United we stand divided we fall” is something we don’t get?/ Open your heart is something we can’t let?/ Happen/ Is disrespect really the foundation of everyone rapping?/ Or are we sadistic & sadomasochistic rubber necking the car accident as […]

Love’s True Nature & How Conditions F*C Things Up.

     Love seems to move so randomly to me. As random as a wandering eye. As random as a feather skipping between gravity and a summer’s breeze. As random as a sudden lust for a stranger’s touch. As random as a thought. Love is also quick, shapeless and flexible. Love seems to be much […]

Adult Conversation: What is Taboo to You?

Adult Conversation: What is Taboo to you? That is a very good question/ Another good question might be: Can I share a scenario about that taboo/ maintain full transparency staying honest & true?/ So I’ll share this with you/ Every now & then/ you will meet a woman who will use her tongue to penetrate […]

The Psychologist & the Classy Bitch by Jacquelyn Smithson Howard & GB

Good afternoon, you must be Jacquelyn/ hey girl what’s happening/ let me say a few words before we start & get in it/ Feel free to express/ digress or confess/ whatever you want to talk about without feeling needs to defend it/ J: I guess you want me to sit here (facing the crowd and pointing […]

Let’s Talk…

A funny thing happens when you progress/ in spite of those who attempted to oppress/ the lie that was told that you are less/ gets harder to digest/ especially when you become self aware that every fiber of your existence represents progress/ Funny how when you endure/ hell, high water & manure/ you may evoke […]

Word Wizards Guest Blog Series #2 Akronems

STRUGGLE = Start Thinking Responsible Using Great Guidance Learning Experience Encouraging Love Generates Great Understanding Reflecting Truth Sharing Successful Triumphs Uplifts Good Gains Loving Everyone @akronems Everyday is a struggle to better self, to be more responsible & understanding knowing it takes us to support each other as family. Life is a process taking one […]