

     Call me old school, but I believe you should treat people how you want to be treated. This is simply good business. I proudly work with people and make sure we exchange ideas of equal value. For me it takes the stress away from the business so that I have more brain power to create. Many have accepted a “something for nothing” value system to equate success. Where as, if they aren’t raping you, it’s not good business for them. This is ridiculous to me. This thinking breeds laziness to me. As well as kills more art than it exploits. For those that know me well. This is not an attempt to get at anybody. I hold no grudges, this is me just speaking on the evils. If you feel I am talking about you then call me and we can both pray about it. 

Now then…

I am on the second half of my life and I do not have time for anything less than excellence. Make no mistake I love the business side when everyone respects one another, but I love the art more. So I am compelled to protect its integrity through originality. 



author/novelist/poet also known as Graffiti Bleu, loves and lives in northern California. He was born in New York City and received some serious game and [learn more]

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