There is a special lady in my life. I would not be here without her. I am who I am because she gave of her time to give me what I needed, when I needed it, even when I did not realize it. She watched over me. She looked out for my best interests. She did what she knew how to do to help me become the person I am today. She provided me with the tools needed to learn and grow. Even though she may not have always been able to be present physically, she supported everything I ever wanted to do. She encouraged me to shine my light. She fed me with her creativity which planted a seed for my personal growth. This special lady in my life has always been there, even at times when I felt her presence was not needed. She gave me advice, even when I did not want to hear it. She gave me unconditional love, even when I did not know how to receive it. She introduced me to great music. She encouraged me to always strive to do better and be better. She acknowledged my accomplishments and applauded my growth.
Sometimes, we don’t realize how special people are until we grow older and wiser. We sometimes take for granted those who are near and dear to us, because we expect what they have consistently given not realizing its value. We become “comfortable” with them. This special lady in my life is special indeed. And I don’t want to go another day without acknowledging how much she means to me. I want to acknowledge her strength, courage and wisdom. I want to thank her for being her, so that I could be me. This special lady in my life is my mother, Jill L. Harden. Love always. Love daily. 365 Love. TM
Have you told someone you loved them today? I have. TM
Love yesterday, today and future tomorrows. TM —-Torion Kent
Atlanta Stand-Up!!! We are calling out to all singers, song writers, musicians, authors and painters. Author Torion Kent will be coming to 1st Wednesdays Rhythm & Poetry Slam at Kat’s Cafe. Torion Kent will be there on Wednesday May 1st 2013 to talk about her book. We enjoy artist of all kinds to come join us and talk about your skills and products as well… Contact Us if your interested…
For everyone else… we will see you at the show… Show Details